Tuesday, August 9, 2016

What to Know When Designing a Custom Closet

For those who have the opportunity to design a custom closet for your home, this opportunity can present itself to be a very exciting, and intimidating.

Since you’re here at your friendly neighborhood custom cabinet makers in Naples, FL, we understand that you’re looking for some guidance.

So here, we provide you with all the information you need to design your own custom closet; with our help, of course!

5 Factors to Follow When Designing Your Own Closet

1.     Check the Dimensions of Your Clothes

Measure your closet space by noting down the dimensions of the clothes that you will be storing.
Will you be hanging your clothes, or folding and storing them to make more room for other items? Knowing the width and depth of your closet will give you ample space for comfortable storage.
For instance, most clothing items would easily fit in a 24-inch deep space. But anything less than that will only protrude.

2.     Consider Single and Double Hang Sections

Take an inventory of your entire wardrobe and consider the number of single and double hang sections you may need. While your double hangs will help you in storing jackets, shirts and coats, your single hangs will help in storing your long garments such as dresses, evening gowns, men’s suits, coats, etc.
If you have many long garments, tally them up and see whether one or two single hang sections will do. But if you don’t have any longer garments that require adequate storage space, don’t get any. Instead, install only double hang sections so that you have maximum storage space.

3.     Ensure Space for Your Shoes

Adding a shoe rack in your closet can only work if you factor in two challenges; finding enough space for all your shoes, and making sure that the shoe cubbies are big enough for your collection.
Now, a pair of shoes for women can measure from 5½ to up to 10 inches wide, whereas for men, the size can go from 6½ to 10½ inches.
According to your own foot size, you should give 7-12 inches to each pair. Although, if you own boots, you may need to allot at least 3 inches of height to the shoe space or more, according to the type of boots you have.

  4.     Check Corners

Corners can be tricky since they offer lesser space for storage. So the best approach to utilize the space is by creating a seamless closet design that will incorporate corner shelves for hanging space for items such as purses and suitcases.
However, if there is not enough space, have the adjacent section of the closet panel overlap the corner itself, creating a smaller space.
Although you won’t be able to access it as easily as you’d want, you will still be able to use the storage space for hanging or storing smaller items.

5.     Give Your Accessories Some Space

Your accessories do not belong in your old shoebox. Create an organized space for your belongings by incorporating their racks in any dead spaces or walls for optimal storage. Use wooden hangers for your purses and belts as well if you want easy access to them.

For your jewelry, ties, watches and other delicate accessories, include trays and drawers with individual sections so that they are well-kept.

Now that you have all you need to know, contact us and have your own home fitted with some of the most gorgeous custom closets Naples FL.

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1 comment:

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