Monday, November 14, 2016

Should You Get a Custom Made Closet?

Thinking of having a custom closet built for your dream home?

Here are some factors you should consider before making this decision, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood closet makers, Kitchen Cabinetry of Naples!

Pros of Having a Custom Closet


  • They are ‘Custom’ Designed 

    Yes, the name of this certain product makes it obvious but this custom design is much more than just choosing the number of shelves and the color.
    Custom designed closets allow you to add specific details according to your wardrobe needs. If you cannot part from your shoe collection, you can have an extra large inseam built in! Got too many suits? Custom closets can have extra rails added in at just the right height and depth so that you don’t have to stuff your clothes in and then mess them!

  •  They Offer an Efficient Space

    Closets either give you too much space, or none at all. A good custom closet would offer storage spaces without even taking too much space.
    However, this is only possible if your closet designer is smart enough to utilize all the nooks and crannies of your storage area. Since you’re here at Kitchen Cabinetry of Naples, you don’t have to worry about an experienced custom closet designer. We offer our acute expertise for the efficiency and usefulness of your closet space.

  • They Add Value to Your Home

    If you’re planning on moving on to another real estate investment in the next 5-10 years, then a custom closet would work well to add value to your house.
    Small improvements such as added space in closets and quality kitchen cabinets can make your home more attractive to prospective buyers.

Cons of Custom Closet


  • Bespoke Built-in Options can be Restricting

    You’re having a closet built now, but what about the next years? Will you be adding a new collection, or are will your future partner have to shove their belongings in cabinets and boxes under the bed?
    In this case, your best choice is to have a flexible closet system. Of course, you will need to inquire with your custom closet designer about that. 

  • They May Encourage Hoarding

    Such a beautiful closet requires ‘things’ to decorate it, so why not go shopping?
    This question may seem sensible at first, but as you begin spending money like water, you’ll realize that you’re simply spending too much. Having a good wardrobe is fine, but having too much of it will only make you regret your decisions later.
    This may not seem like a problem for closets built for specific needs, but if your closet houses too many clothes, a regular clean-out might help you stay in style and keep your home clean.

  • They’re Expensive

    Custom closets can be very expensive—only if you choose to hire services from an overpriced source.
    However, thanks to companies like Kitchen Cabinetry of Naples, customers can now have more affordable options for their bespoke spaces.

Custom Closets in Naples, FL

Kitchen Cabinetry of Naples is a reliable name in providing quality all-wood kitchens and custom closets Naples FL. So if you want to hire our services, hire us by calling 239-643-5661 for a free consultation!


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